
We are on a mission to make nutritious products from vegetables.

Wholy Insights

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
We adapt to a constant changing world and contribute to a flourishing society.

Everyone is trying to become a healthier version of themselves and eating right is a key part of that. With the recent pandemic, local and healthy food concepts are taking the spotlight as consumers are becoming conscious of their own behaviours. It goes without saying that we are a big fans of this. Do you know where you can find tasty, sustainable and healthy food?
We partner with farmers who treat the planet like their best friend, so we can confidently say that we have sourced the best ingredients for you. Here’s a simplified equation for you: healthy soil = healthy veggie.

So we are pretty damn serious about nutrition. We even do testing with children and families. But we are the first to admit that we definitely don’t know everything, which is the reason why we partner with researchers to discover new ingredients and experiment with exciting veggies to release their full potential.

On this page we will share our own research, analysis and product certifications. You will find all the necessary information about the ingredients we use and our pastas. We will also discuss some misconceptions about all the food and information out there. This is all done with the aim to be as transparent as possible with you. We want to use our knowledge to inspire others and educate like-minded individuals!

Stay tuned for more!

Download our infographic to learn more about our delicious and nutritious pasta.