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Positively Pumpkin Zucca


Meet Zucca: this largely unknown pasta shape looks a lot like a pumpkin with the top and bottom cut off. No surprise for a true Italian, because to them “zucca” simply means pumpkin! With its textured surface – a true marker for craft pasta – it will soak up any sauce and deliver a perfect bite. So there you have it, a delicious pumpkin Zucca, made for the ideal comfort food.

2759 in stock

SKU: 36-1 Category:


Ingrediënten (NL): Groenten (51,4%) (Pompoen (31,1%), Wortel), Spelt (gluten), Plantain, Tarwe proteïne (gluten), Konjac vezel.

Ingredients (EN): Vegetables (51,4%) (Pumpkin (31,1%), Carrot), Spelt (gluten), Plantain, wheat protein (gluten), Konjac fibre.

Ingrédients (FR): légumes (51,4%) (citrouille (31,1%), carottes), épeautre (gluten), Plantain, protéines de blé (gluten), fibre de konjac.

Zutaten (DE): Gemüse (51,4%) (Kürbis (31,1%), Karotte), Dinkel (gluten), Plantain, Weizenprotein (gluten), Konjak-Faser.



Nutrients per 100 gr

Energy 1,524kj / 360kcal
Fat 2,1g
of which saturated 0,5g
Carbohydrates 66,2g
of which sugar 3,5g
Protein 16,7g
Salt 0,07g


Cooking Info:

Bring water to a boil. Add the VeggiPasta when the water is boiling (add some salt to taste). Boil for 8 MINUTES.

Making a salad? Give the pasta a cold shower.